Adir Buskila
2 min readJan 18, 2024


Decentralized zk Private Compute: The Game Changer

What is Decentralized zk Private Compute?

Imagine a high-tech, secure puzzle-solving contest where each participant brings a piece of the puzzle, but no one can see each other’s pieces. This is the essence of decentralized zero-knowledge (zk) private computing. It’s a technology that allows for complex computations (like those needed for AI) on private data without actually revealing the data itself. Think of it as performing a magic trick where the magician (the AI system) amazes the audience (us) without ever revealing the secrets behind the trick (your private data).

Why Do We Need It?

In today’s world, data is like oxygen for AI — it’s essential. But this need for data often comes at the cost of privacy. We’re in a constant tug-of-war between benefiting from AI and protecting our personal information. Decentralized ZK private compute technology resolves this conflict. It ensures that while AI can learn and grow from data, the sanctity of personal information remains untouched.

How Does It Work at a High Level?

Let’s simplify this with an analogy: Imagine your data is a locked treasure chest. In the world of decentralized zk private compute, AI algorithms are like treasure hunters who can use the value of the treasure (data) without ever opening the chest. They do this by using special tools (zero-knowledge proofs) that can verify what’s inside the chest or perform calculations based on its contents, without the chest ever being unlocked or the treasure being exposed. This system relies on a network of computers (decentralized) that work together to ensure these operations are done securely and efficiently.

Conclusion: A New Dawn with WebMesh

In summary, decentralized zk private compute is the bridge to a future where we can enjoy all the benefits of AI without sacrificing our privacy. It’s a groundbreaking approach that WebMesh is championing, leading us into a new era of technology that is secure, private, and beneficial for all.



Adir Buskila

Family First. Passioned about Innovations, Crypto, Web3, and disrupting industries. Founder of WEB3M, WinkyAI. Disrupting the Marketing industry as we know it.